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Beryl Forrest
2nd Degree Reiki Practitioner For People & Animals
I’ve  had my Reiki Master attunement & am working towards "Reiki Master and Advanced Healing Skills".
 I’m making good use of Reiki to support my horse through healing through a bout of laminitis.

I have always been interested in Healing and occasionally tried to help my own animals over the years without any formal training, I also came across healing in my Spiritualist Church, but the time wasn't right for me to pursue it.


When i discovered Reiki (pronounced “Ray-key”) I was overwhelmed by it's gentle power!


Since then, I have been Attuned to both Reiki 1st & 2nd Degrees & i am now a Practitioner.


I’ve had my Reiki Master attunement & am working towards "Reiki Master and Advanced Healing Skills".


Reiki Practitioners/Masters are not healers, we are "Channels" for Reiki, meaning "Universal Life  Energy" to work through us.


I love treating both people & animals, my horses love it & show me where they need it, so do dogs, they are brilliant at showing you, It's all about the body language!



Reiki, the gentle yet powerful natural healing system, suitable for everyone. Can help both physical & mental issues.

Privacy Policy of Bee's Reiki

The personal data I collect about you will include data relating to your name and address, and the health and history of you or your animal.
This data will be securely stored for up to 7 years, and will only be used by myself for communication with you.

It will be used as a record of you or your animal and any changes that may occur in yours or their health, well-being or performance. You may have access to it, and have the right to ask it to be erased.
Information will only be shared with the animal's vet or other professionals as requested by you and the animal's vet.

On no account will your information be shared with any other Third Parties.


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